How to Convert Battery Operated Lights to Plug in

Converting Battery Operated Lights to Plug in

Expert Reviewed Article by our Certified Editor, Christopher Bouchard, C.E.M.

Converting battery  operated lights to plug in using a battery to plug-in adapter is a convenient solution. Here’s a step-by-step guide focusing on this method to reduce battery waste to to ensure long-term operation of your lights.

Tired of buying wasting money on batteries?

Wish your gadgets could just plug in?

Let's talk about making life simpler and more budget-friendly!

Choose a battery to plug-in adapter

You’ll need an adapter specifically designed to convert battery power to plug-in power. These adapters have wired batteries and a plug to connect to your wall outlet.

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Select the Appropriate Adapter

Ensure the adapter’s voltage output matches the voltage requirement of your lights. Most battery-operated lights use low voltage, typically 3V or 4.5V, but check the specifications of your lights to be sure.

 Number of Batteries
 AA Total Voltage 
 AAA Total Voltage 

Open the Battery Compartment

Access the battery compartment of your lights. This usually involves removing a cover or panel. Remove the batteries.

Insert Battery Adapter into Battery Compartment

Open the battery compartment and insert the same number and type of batteries as required by your lights. Make sure to align the batteries correctly according to the polarity markings.

Plug in the Wall Power Adapter

Plug the adapter’s power plug into the wall. Gently close the cover of the battery compartment. Be sure not to tighten the compartment to much, or you will crush the power supply wire.

Test the lights

Plug in the adapter to a wall outlet and switch on your lights to ensure they are working properly.

Enjoy your Converted Plug-in Lights

Converting battery-operated devices to plug-in, especially for high-usage gadgets is an eco friendly and cost effective way to help reduce waste, helping both the environment and your wallet!

As Simple as Changing Batteries

For More Voltage Options:

Voltage Selectable Power Supply Adapters

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                         Lenink®(2) AA, (3) AA, (4) AA, (6) AA, (8) AA to  Battery to Plug-in

T-HOT®: (2) AA, (3) AA, (4) AA, (6) AA, (8) AA to  Battery to Plug-in

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