Understanding Electrical Load Profiles and Peak Shaving Applications

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I find that understaind peak shaving is easiest to acehvie visually. When we are discussing peak shaving, whate we are trying to accomplish is essentially we wish to relocate energy and to elimate peaks using a energy storage mechanism, in our case, a battery storage system.

To learn more about what is peak shaving, visit this article.

A battery energ ystorage system can be installed with or without solar. We will visualize the impact of using solar and how it greatly ebenfits peak shaving as well as using a stand alone battery energy storage unit.

The goal of peak shaving is to elimiate peaks within an electrical load profile and to “smooth” out the load on the electrical grid. We do this by strategically releasing stored energy during times of high energy usage. The most ideal scenario would be one where the electrical load profile is flat, void of peaks or valley’s, this is an electrical utility’s idea lcustomer due to the reduction in grid operations and generating capacity fluctations. 

When it comes to a battery storage unit without solar there is an additional consideration to address. Knowing when to release the stored energy is only half the battle, the other half is determining when to charge the battery and for how long.

Now before we get started, we must understand this is only guess work based upon historical use patterns. Unless you can completely ensure your energy use patterns are the same daily, you will not be perfect with your charge and discharge durations and timings, however, we can do our best with an educated guess and systematic approach. 

 more bell curve pattern, we can simulate energy consumption that peaks in the mid-afternoon or evening, with lower consumption in the early morning and night. The usage would rise gradually during the day, reach a peak, and then decline in the evening, mimicking a more typical cooling and household usage pattern.

now that we have determined a peak area or a “block” of energy we which to relocate, we must determine where we can place this energy. We must also take into consieration full cycle losses. which hare energy efficiency losses incurred during charging and discharing.


Now how do i setup my energ ystorage system to peak shave?

Well, the best answer is to read your manual!

does your unit have peak shaving ability?

additional considerations : inverter ability:

Most inverters also have time of day / time of use rate input options. This is only applicable to you if a time of use rate is available to your specific customer class. This here has been a misnomer for many on Youtube preaching that you will see demonstable savings as a residatial customer if you istall their battery system, however that is simply not the case ,as nolt all minucipalities and electric companies have residential time of use rates available to thim.

ignore spelling mistakes, this article is under constructions. CJB

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